Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Gotta Stand Out, So You Notice Me"

Heeheehee...if you're a Millennial, like I am, or just happen to be a fan of 90's Disney movies, you'll probably be able to place the quote that makes up the title. Anyway, that's pretty much what this post will cover. Most bloggers/vloggers seem to have that one particular thing or cluster of things that sets them apart. I've been contemplating which experiences of mine could potentially set me apart from others and provide some interesting or helpful content, and I've narrowed it down to these:

  • I have insight into hoarders/hoarding. I am in the process of cleaning out my hoarder grandmother's house. Since hoarding and the stories of Children (and families) of Hoarders, seems to be a hot topic, it might be valuable (or at the very least, it might be entertaining) to share my first hand experiences pertaining to this subject.
  • I spent 8 years in a very private, traditional Catholic school. Only 50 children at most were in this school at any one point. So much of what happened seems so bizarre and unreal that I have to occasionally cross reference things with friends whom attended the school as well. Some people I've spoken with about it go so far as to call it a "cult", but I tend to think that's a little extreme. It had its pros and cons, and honestly, I don't know if anyone else in the country, or the world, had similar schooling. If there are others out there who did, hopefully they'll find this blog and share their experiences too!
  • I have PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), and while I know a lot of women have it, not a lot of people know about it (My last therapist did not even know what it is and she went to Yale and Cornell!). Even though uterine cancer can result from it, somehow it doesn't get even a fraction as much awareness as breast cancer and other conditions. I am an avid believer that there should be more PCOS awareness, and yes, even men should know about it in case they become involved with a woman with it.
  • I know a lot of odd people and am involved with unusual subcultures and fandoms, to the point where I've been dubbed "Queen of Weirdos". No, I don't do anything illegal or harmful to others, just stuff that leaves your Average Joe bewildered.
  • I also have insight into mental illnesses like depression and can explain certain types of therapies in ways that are probably easier to comprehend than most psychology websites. I've had years of talk therapy and DBT (dialectical behavior therapy) with mixed results.

    Well, that's it for now. If I think of anything else, I'll add it in later. I hope I've piqued at least someone's interest with this list. :)
    Also, for those of you who couldn't guess the song/movie that the title is from,
    here you go!

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