Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Name Change

     Hello, my dear readers. I just wanted to take a moment to explain that I've changed the title of my blog because after a random Google search one day, I learned that there was another blog on Blogger called Humble Observations. Plus, it didn't quite feel right to me. Sure, I value humility and wish to be an observer in this world, like Annie Dillard, but I think Candy Coated Cranium suits me much more. Anyone else think it's cute? :)
     Anyway, I've been a bit slow with this blog because I have so much to write about but am not sure what to talk about first. I had a really horrible day when it came to interacting with my grandmother, and I was going to write a blog about her and my experience helping my mom deal with her hoard, but I just got too angry while writing it and saved it as a draft for now. Maybe when I'm calmer I'll go back and finish it, but for now, it's much more beneficial to my well being and happiness to just not acknowledge her existence.
     Hopefully today won't be too much of a set back. I would really hate to lose my writing muse. I've already lost my musical muse...but that's another story for another day.

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