Sunday, October 11, 2015

Greetings, Interwebs!

Since this is my first entry, this will be an introduction to who I am, why I have decided to blog, and what kind of things you, as the reader, can expect to read in the future.
I guess I should start at the very beginning. My name is Ariana. I am a 26 year old female entity from the United States, in the tiny New England state of Connecticut. I live in what is known as the "All American Valley". I live with family (like so many of my peer group), which includes 3 small Chihuahua-terrier mixes (Fawn, Miss Piggy, and Stone) and my very robust feline named Rupert. I really don't know what else to say about myself at this juncture, but I'm sure other things about me will come to play in future blogs.
I have decided to blog at this point in time because, frankly, the more things change, the more they seem to stay the same, as the saying goes. I like writing. I've always loved writing. However, it's gone from being a luxury and a hobby to being something that I feel very much compelled to do nowadays. As all of the propagandized videos about how technology rules our lives and how we need to put down the infernal cell phones, iPads, etc. and reclaim our humanity love to point out, a lot of us have hundreds of friends on Facebook and other forms of social media and yet we still can feel very much alone. I fall into this category. Last I checked, I have 716 Facebook friends and yet I tend to feel like no one listens to me. Is it vitally important that I have someone paying attention to me at all times? Absolutely not, that would be a ludicrous thing for me to impose upon family, friends, and acquaintances. However, being a Libra and being who I am, I am very much about fairness. When I see people posting things on Facebook, and not to honk my own horn, but sometimes they can be the most inane and pointless things, and yet without fail, have swarms of people flocking to their every status and hanging on their every word, I know something is rotten in Denmark (to borrow another phrase). So, I've decided to do my Facebook friends and the fans of the pages I admin a huge favor, and take my ramblings to another medium. This is far from my first time blogging as well. I remember before the dawn of social media, when LiveJournal was the place where all of the cool kids went to vent about their home lives, try to figure out whom they are, and most importantly, tell the kids they didn't like how their blog was a waste of bandwidth and to go kill themselves. I also tried vlogging on YouTube and found that to be extremely cutthroat, because let's be honest: Unless a YouTuber is able to speak well (meaning smoothly, no stuttering, no forgetting what they're talking about midsentence a la G.W. Bush, and other bad habits that we're told not to do in Public Speaking class) and has the latest camcorder and video editing skills, it's hard to get taken seriously by the YouTube audience. I might still do YouTube for my business channel, ScentsFurAll, and I'll keep my old personal vlog account, bloodybella646, up as a "just in case" kind of thing, but in general, I've found that I communicate infinitely better via the written word. It might be all in my head, but either way, that's what I feel that I've noticed. In all honesty and to be fair, I've noticed that the biggest impediment to my ability to communicate with others is my fear of being misunderstood, misconstrued, and ultimately people hating me for the things that I say. I've developed a very finely tuned "brain to mouth filter", as I've heard it called, but unfortunately, it works a little too well and sometimes I don't speak, and in retrospect kick myself for things I wish I had said.
With that said, I'm hoping to achieve a happy medium with this blog. While I have matured enough to know that it is impossible to please everyone, I hope that by talking about my observations and opinions of life in this blog using this medium as opposed to Facebook, I'll be able to have everything laid out for those who care to know and those whom don't wish to know won't be bothered with it against their will. This leads me to what you, my dear reader, will read if you come back to my blog sometime. I'm thinking of doing just a general blog, where I write about whatever comes to my mind. Some of it might be pertinent only to a small group of people and some of it might be relate-able to more people than I can possibly imagine.
In closing, I want to say that this blog is, at least to me, an act of bravery. As a person, I find myself easily discouraged. I am very disheartened by the lack of originality that I see in the world and often take it out on myself, wishing to be more creative and unique. When I find myself doing something that I lot of people are doing, it depresses me, because I hear the words of naysayers echoing in my ears.
"All these people have blogs and they're all the same. They're all just people bitching about stuff and acting like their thoughts and opinions count for shit."
"People who write autobiographies are narcissistic and egomaniacs. Whose life is really so fascinating that they can justify writing a book about it?"
These statements and many variations of them ran through my head on repeat while I was trying to select a website to use for my blog. I struggled to silence them and tried not to acknowledge them until now. This is my response to these naysayers:
People are strange creatures. They tell you that life sucks, that life is hard and you just have to suck it up, and all sorts of other horrible, ugly things (granted, they are true), but then when you give up as a result of these things and just want to throw in the towel on your life, then they say even more ugly things about you for wanting to end your life, or they do a complete 180 and start saying that life is beautiful, there is so much for which a person can live, and that life is precious. Okay, so follow me here. If life is precious, then are not observations and everyone's unique perspective precious as well? Sure, there are thousands of blogs out there, but who really has the authority to say one person is better than someone else?
On that note, I'll end this entry. Thank you for reading all the way to the end and perhaps I'll write another entry later.

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